Urban go green
Are you concerned about living conditions in your city? Have you ever dreamed of what your ideal city would look like?
Or had a vision of a city that is simply ‘JUST’ for its residents – more green, equitable, resilient, liveable and welcoming … an ideal place for you and your family to live? Have you seen attractive and useful features and services in other cities that your doesn’t have – but you don’t know how to make this happen? Whether you are a resident, institution or local organization, JUST Consultancy can help. Let's see together how to make Your City a better place to live. JUST Consultancy is here to guide the progress toward a green and JUST transition of your city.
We can do it together! Urban Go Green
Just Consultancy is a friend organization of the New European Bauhaus
Why just?
honest & independent
Tailored services aligned with client needs and local specificities
inclusive & considered
Sharing good practice, know- how, focused on participatory processes
professional & efficient
Co-benefits, including socio-economic needs in infrastructure investments for best value-for money outcomes.
lean & useful
Close to European Institutions and International Financial Institutions, for a clear overview on financial opportunities.
Unique expertise in green city strategy & design
The JUST Consultancy services are based on two decades of extensive professional expertise and practical experience in urban development and delivery of Green City strategies, concepts and projects, in Europe, Asia and Australia.
About the founder
JUST Consultancy was created by Jolanta Zarzycka to bring a practical and useful approach to Green City transition – to city planners, international agencies and programs, and companies focused on green development.
Jolanta is a PhD Urban Planner and Landscape Architect, engineer and experienced project leader, with 25 years’ experience in advising executive teams and city planners on how they can deliver integrated urban development and a transition to Green Cities.
She has led technical coordination of many large, complex, regional and municipal urban projects. This is a Green City approach that integrates multiple urban sectors and mobilizes Nature Based Solutions to address today’s urban challenges of climate resilience and city decarbonization.
Services & professional expertise
Engaging local communities
support for activating and engaging local communities
- Preparing stakeholder engagement plans
- Planning, delivering and synthesizing results of surveys and workshops
- Ensuring the inclusion of gender, minorities and vulnerable groups in the ‘just city transition’
- Support to identify local communities' needs
Expert advice & capacity building
on green and ‘just’ city transition - providing guidance and training on city sustainability and healthy environment
- Integrated actions and investments to maximize benefits for the city environment & people, prioritizing inclusion, socio-economic needs and job creation
- Optimizing the use of financial resources and creating co-investment opportunities
Coordination and technical integration
of strategic urban development projects – including designing methodology, project planning and delivery
- Green City action plans
- Liveable cities
- Sustainable city strategies
- Climate resilience
- Carbon reduction roadmaps
our offer for Ukraine
We provide services to
Municipalities & Communities
- advice and expertise to prepare strategies for local development and sustainability to guide green city transition
- supporting city authorities and planners in project prioritization
- applying the 360° City Scan® evaluation tool to compile data and create scenarios boosting the city sustainability
International Financial Institutions
- supporting project development and delivery:
- developing calls for offers
- providing project coordination support, serving as a team member or expert for urban sustainability and planning