
How prepared is your city for its green transition? Just Consultancy is licensed to use 360° City Scan®, a powerful Green City planning and analysis tool, that facilitates an integrated, evidence-based approach, prioritizing citizens’ engagement. It brings a unique view of a city, measuring its current sustainability level, to reflect how well it is positioned to address future challenges - environmental, climate, societal and economic. Using 360° City Scan®, city planners can map overall ‘green performance’ in terms of infrastructure readiness and services efficiency, from six key perspectives: Circularity, Inclusiveness, Attractivity, Productiveness, Resilience, Connectivity. The city’s green profile is presented in a practical 360° planner, with a score for each aspect. 360° City Scan® has been used with planners in some 80 cities in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Australia, to help them develop a clear picture of their situation - evaluating the city’s maturity against sustainability criteria and engaging in discussion with city authorities and residents to define priorities that reflect their reality.

360° City Scan®



360 City Scan